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What is a Tort Claim?

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The phrase tort derives from the French meaning of wrong, so a tort claim today is a legal filing in which an individual looks to receive compensation due to another individual or entity’s wrongdoing. Torts are typically civil claims in which a plaintiff or accident victim suffered an assortment of economic/non-economic damages deriving from another…

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Can My License Be Suspended After a New York Car Accident?

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When it comes to license suspensions after a New York car accident, there are countless suspensions that go by unnoticed by many innocent citizens. There’s no doubt about it that an individual’s license will be suspended if they are found to be at fault for a hit-and-run accident, or any fatal collision, but even law-abiding…

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Dangerous Uber Drivers: Who’s Really Behind the Wheel?

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Ever wonder what it takes to become an Uber driver? It’s not as much as you think. There are potentially 900,000 active Uber drivers transporting riders around the country every day, and a large number of them could be unqualified. Here’s what riders need to be aware of before they hail their next Uber ride.  …

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Dangerous Uber Drivers: Who’s Really Behind the Wheel?

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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