What an interesting, unfortunate situation COVID-19 has put us all in, our era will be written about in history books. Things that you never thought would happen suddenly gone in an instant. People are hurting, both mentally, emotionally and physically. Though it may seem bleak, there is still good in this world and it comes in many forms, from modern science guiding us in the right direction, to realizing that family is of the utmost importance. This virus and its subsequent variants have changed our world as we knew it into something we are trying to call, the “new normal”.

Knowing that family, friends and loved ones are of such importance, Siler & Ingber, your Long Island, New York area personal injury/accident law firm is viewing the legal system in a creative and proactive way. We keep moving forward, preparing every case to go to trial. This global pandemic has brought us all closer together and while the world waits for Law Firms, juries and the entire judicial system to acclimate to COVID-19 protocols, (vaccinations, mask wearing, social distancing, etc.), Siler and Ingber continues to be aggressive with other avenues of alternative dispute resolutions, such as mediation and arbitration in resolving all client matters. With our clients’ best interest in mind, keeping them informed and in tune with their cases until the court system resumes to the best of its ability, we remain diligent in trying to book dates for trial.

Pending cases are being left on hold, quite literally, as some attorneys and firms phone numbers cease to work. Hard working judges go into work every day following the proper protocols and their passion is to be commended, however, it is extremely difficult to commence a fair trial with a jury, given the current climate on where we are with COVID-19 and how Law Firms choose to bounce back from it. Siler & Ingber is not like every firm though. We do what is necessary for our clients, even in unprecedented times like this, by continuing to go to battle for each injury case to go to trial, with the knowledge that civil jury trials are of paramount importance. Preparation breeds success and we pride ourselves on that here at our firm.

In doing research, there is no discrimination as to the size of a law firm when it comes to receiving the go ahead to schedule a trial date. It’s almost as though with each stride forward that we make in the fight against this everchanging virus, law firms are somehow no closer than they were a year or so ago to being able to book a date for their client to have a fair trial with a full jury. While few cases can be scheduled, delays and discrepancies in protocol is an undeniable cause as to why the rate at which they are moving forward has drastically decreased as this pandemic rolls on.

Listen to this statistic – according to the New York Office of Court Administration, of the 2,000+ civil jury trials that took place in New York City in 2019, a mere 360 proceeded so far in this calendar year. There’s more to this than just numbers at first glance. When you truly analyze it, the trend is moving towards civil jury trials ceasing to exist. This is certainly not a given but is still a sad and potentially real possibility. Juries make It fair for our clients to receive what they deserve.

Our personal injury attorneys have over 30 years of experience representing accident victims on Long Island. We protect your rights by maximizing recovery and securing the financial support our clients – we are not afraid to fight and are fully prepared to take your case to trial to get a justified verdict over settling for less.

Contact us today at 1-877-LAW-4343, 1-516-294-2666 or schedule an appointment online at any time. There is never a fee unless we recover money for you. Siler & Ingber refuses to rest and will continue to think outside the box and fight for our clients.

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