Despite our best efforts to be careful, accidents can occur anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, it often is a result of someone else’s negligence. While a small injury here and there can be easily addressed, it can be quite challenging if it leads to a severe injury or a permanent disability. A personal injury claim led by a top personal injury lawyer is the way to go if you or someone you know ends up with a disability due to someone’s negligence.
But what do we mean by a disability?
As per C.D.C a disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions). Disability can lead to:
- Impairment in a person’s body structure or function, or mental functioning; examples of impairments include loss of a limb, loss of vision or memory loss.
- Activity limitation, such as difficulty seeing, hearing, walking, or problem solving.
- Participation restrictions in normal daily activities, such as working, engaging in social and recreational activities, and obtaining health care and preventive services.
Disabilities can be a result of related conditions at birth, due to an illness or due to an injury.
If your disability is the result of an injury caused due to an accident, learn about the personal injury law or talk to a top personal injury lawyer.
Possible causes of disabilities due to an accident
- Auto Accident – The most common cause of disability due to an accident is the result of an auto accident. This could be as a result of:
- While you’re driving and meet with an accident with another car, truck, bus etc.
- You’re a pedestrian and hit by a car, bus, truck, or another vehicle
- You’re riding a bicycle or motorcycle and another vehicle hits you
- You’re in an Uber and get in an accident due to driver’s or another driver’s negligence
- Construction site accident – Another cause of ending up with a disability could be if you get in an accident as a worker on a construction site. This could be due to a fall or a faulty machine etc.
- Slip and fall – Accidents and resultant disabilities could also occur due to a slip and fall, say on a fall on a wet floor or falling of a stair case due to a missing ladder etc.
In addition to the above, falls and accidents could occur even most unexpectedly and lead to disabilities. A well known top personal injury lawyer can help you figure out if your accident qualifies for a claim and compensation or not.
What happens if you’re disabled in an accident?
First and foremost, if you’re injured in an accident due to someone else’s fault, you’re eligible for a compensation. Often, the insurance company of the at-fault party will offer you a settlement, but remember to evaluate and see if that is enough and justified. It is best to hire a personal injury lawyer to help you figure out your claim.
What will a personal injury lawyer do?
- Help you with documentation required – So that you get the best claim and settlement, a personal injury law firm will help you compile all relevant paperwork and evidence, such as medical bills, transportation cost bills etc.
- Identify the violation(s) – It is important that you file the claim under the right law. It can get quite confusing and frustrating for someone who is overcoming a traumatic accident to figure it out. Hire a top personal injury lawyer to do it for you.
- Ensure a justified settlement – An injury which leads to a disability does not only mean hefty medical expenses but also the mental trauma, possible loss to income and man other intangible aspects. A personal injury law firm will prepare a settlement bearing all of this in mind.
If you or someone you know has met with an accident which has led to a disability, get our best and top-ranking personal injury lawyers today.
Reach out to Siler & Ingber, LLP, call us on 1-877-529-4343 or contact us via our online form on this page to schedule a free consultation and case evaluation with a personal injury lawyer.
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