National Car Seat Safety Week Kicks Off…

New York parents are generally aware their children are best protected when riding in a car seat. Most also know the safest area in the car for their kids is in the back seat.

But how do you know for sure your child is in the right car seat? And how can you be certain if you have installed the car seat correctly?

Reports show three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly, and typically, unknowingly by the parents. There are hundreds of different models of safety seats on the baby market today that have parent’s heads spinning with worry for a good reason; car seats are tricky!

To provide some guidance, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) created Child Passenger Safety Week. This campaign focuses on generating awareness regarding proper child car seat safety, while connecting parents to the most current and accurate information. New York parents looking for assistance are linked to an abundance of resources focused on appropriately choosing, fitting, and installing their child’s car seats to increase accident protection.

This year’s awareness campaign kicks off on Monday, September 17th and ends with National Seat Check Day on Saturday, September 23rd. On Seat Check Day, parents are encouraged to visit any New York law enforcement agency for a free car seat audit, as well assistance in properly installing car seats into their vehicles.


Free car seat fittings are offered throughout the state of New York . Check this website to find out where you can have a free inspection with a trained car seat technician who will check your seat and demonstrate correct installation.

The NHTSA urges parents to take full advantage of the resources provided online and in their communities. By educating yourself and your children on effective car safety early, children are more likely to continue to use these habits well into adulthood.

Sadly, the leading cause of death between the ages of 1 and 13 is due to automobile accidents. With statistics this high, there is no room for chance when it comes to your child’s safety in the car.

Our team at Siler & Ingber encourages all New York residents to stay informed and spread awareness during this year’s Child Passenger Safety Week.

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