Maintaining a safe work site makes a difference in a variety of ways because of the risks involved. A worker can be hurt at a job site; a person may visit or pass by the property; an unsafe job site can leave people who are not affiliated with the construction process at risk. Labor Law 200 in New York provides specific rules about construction safety and the level of negligence a property owner has when a third-party is at risk.

What Is Labor Law 200 in New York?

Often called Common Law Negligence, Labor Law 200 is one of the foundations of construction safety in the city of New York. It aims to improve the amount of safety present on job sites

This law addresses the safety of locations under construction for those who work in those buildings or those who are otherwise frequenting the area. Providing adequate and reasonable protections for individuals is critical, and it is now a requirement of providing construction work in the city.

Most importantly, this construction site injury law applies to people who are employees of the building or those who otherwise (and lawfully) frequent the location or worksite. Additionally, there are other construction laws that protect workers and other parties associated or injured on the property.

The law holds both the property owner and the landlord responsible. It also holds the contractor responsible for the supervision and the control over the site to ensure it is safe for everyone.

When Does Labor Law 200 Apply?

Labor Law 200 applies when most types of construction work done at the location. This includes:

  • Demolition work
  • Alterations of the property
  • Any renovations
  • Repairs to the building
  • Most other forms of construction on a structure or building (it does not apply to just commercial buildings)

During construction, the property owner or contractor is held liable for the safety of those who move throughout the area. Specifically, this law requires that all components of the operation be conducted in such a way that provides reasonable safety for those who visit the property. This includes:

  • Machinery used in the operation
  • All equipment required for the project
  • All devices used during the process

Under Labor Law 200, which identifies locations as a worksite or a workplace, the owner of the property and the contractors must ensure the space is safe. However, the term “worksite” is very broad. It is important to keep in mind that “worksite” indicates that not only is the specific area of construction required to be safe, buy any other nearby areas are included as well (such as walkways or passageways).

Is the Area Safe?

The most important requirement for any construction site is ensuring the property is safe for those who will be on that property. This includes taking account of all risks in the area as it relates to the construction of the building, the construction process, the equipment and operation, and guarding the equipment to ensure no one is hurt as a result of a lack of proper monitoring.

Do You Have a Negligence Claim?

It is important to recognize Labor Law 200 negligence can be hard to prove. However, with our team of professionals, we can help you address all aspects of this. In short, you may have a claim if:

  • You were hurt as a result of the way in which the work was being performed at the worksite
  • You were hurt as a result of defective or dangerous premises or due to the conditions present
  • You had the right to be on the property at the time

If you have been in this type of construction site accident, it is best to document what occurred and to contact our team. Because these projects receive a lot of attention, many contractors and property owners will try to settle them quickly. This is not advisable. Rather, allow our construction site attorneys to help you determine what your total compensation is. Allow us to ensure the construction site losses you face are always fully understood.

Schedule a FREE Case Review for Common Law Negligence

If you have been injured in this type of situation, take action.Our team of experienced, aggressive attorneys can help you to get the financial compensation owed to you. It can be difficult to prove Labor Law 200 negligence, but our team of injury attorneys has the experience necessary to help you throughout this process.

We encourage you to get a free case review from our team today. Call 877-718-6079 or fill out our contact form now.

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