Employees on construction sites face risks every day. Even in areas where there are safety practices in place, risks still exist. It is essential for contractors, as well as property owners, to take every step possible to keep workers safe. Furthermore, workers who struggle with an injury on a job site can face years of pain, suffering, and financial loss for the negligence of their employers. New York Labor Law 241 helps to avoid these types of risks..

What Is Labor Law 241?

Labor Law 241 encompasses the safety requirements for work sites. Employers are required to ensure that all work site locations remain safe from risks. Whereas Labor Law 240 focuses on falls from heights, this law focuses on other types of job site risks. It applies to all construction workers.

One of the key components of this law is that property owners, landlords, and contractors must provide construction site employees with the proper safety equipment to needed perform their job. There are also requirements for the following areas:

  • How the construction site is constructed
  • How the construction site is equipped
  • The proper arrangement of the construction site
  • Guarding of the construction site
  • The safety equipment provided (and used) by workers

This construction site safety law is meant to minimize risks associated with construction sites.

When Does Labor Law 241 Apply?

This labor law applies to construction work sites and workplaces. It includes any type of construction performed on the building or structure. This includes demolition, construction, and excavating projects. Here are some other components of Labor Law 241:


The “floors” component of Labor Law 241 emphasizes floor safety. It outlines requirements for the use of beams, fireproof material, and filling. It also outlines how these materials should be planked to ensure safety.

Further, all walking spaces and flooring within the work site must be safe. They must be kept clear, and steps must be taken to prevent employees from slipping or tripping.


Elevators and any machines that elevate equipment must be safe. Standards for safety equipment necessary, the process of hosting, and the raising or lowering of materials along stairways is outlined in this section of Labor Law 241. Additionally, all elevators must be enclosed on at least two sides when used to hoist materials on the work site.

Hazardous Materials

The owner and contractor must conduct a thorough investigation to determine if any hazardous materials are located on the site before any type of demolition takes place. This includes inspecting for and managing asbestos materials.

Safety Equipment

All employees on the work site (regardless of their job) must have equipment and tools used for safety. The employer must ensure these tools are being used.

Also, worker safety is priority number one. For example, the requirements and needs for excavation site equipment differ from the construction site. The law applies to all types of excavation, demolition, and construction projects. It also applies to all types of structures except for single family and two-family homes.

What Happens When Violations Occur?

If you have suffered an injury while on a construction site, and you believe it was a result of a Labor Law 241 violation, it is important for you to seek out legal defense. While the operation may wish to push through a settlement quickly, it is never acceptable to rush it. Instead, it is important to ensure your full compensation is obtained. This can only happen when you fully understand what your risks are. Our legal team can help you to determine if you have a case and what steps you should take.

Schedule a FREE Case Review to Discuss Construction Site Injuries

The attorneys Siler & Ingber, LLP are aggressive, experienced lawyers capable of helping you with your construction site injury claims. Because this is one of the hardest types of negligence claims to prove, we encourage individuals to seek out legal support from our team before settling claims with their insurance companies. Our team has helped many injured construction workers obtain the compensation they deserve after negligence incidents like this. Call us at 877-718-6079 or use our online contact form for a free case review.

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