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Call Us at 877-718-6079

Bronx Injuries and Fatal Accidents

At Siler & Ingber, LLP, Bronx personal injury attorneys, we leverage our considerable knowledge of how insurance companies look at the accident and other personal injury matters to your benefit.  In fact, founding partner Jeff Siler represented insurance companies for over 25 years before deciding to help accident victims.

Armed with that in-depth experience, our firm is uniquely suited to take on the big insurance companies in court.  Jeff Siler and all of the talented professionals at Siler & Ingber will use that inside, highly specialized knowledge to help you avoid the defense tactics insurance companies commonly use.

If you have suffered an injury from an accident in the Bronx, or a loved one was killed in an accident, we at Siler & Ingber will fight hard on your behalf.  You can trust the talented, diligent professionals at Siler & Ingber to guide you through the legal process to get you the best outcome possible. Call for a free case review today at 877-718-6079.

Car Accidents in the Bronx

No two car accident cases are the same.  While car crashes typically cause back and neck problems for victims, we at Siler & Ingber have seen myriad of injuries following car accidents in the Bronx and represented many clients who suffer very specialized types of injuries.

Car accidents are, in fact, one of the leading causes of personal injury in the Bronx and throughout the country.  On average, about 4,000 motorists are injured and 10 are killed every year in the Bronx due to car crashes. Moreover, there were over 20,000 car accidents in the Bronx in 2017.

At Siler & Ingber, we understand what it takes to build an effective case for a car accident victim in the Bronx.  We do an exhaustive investigation of the accident, consult with our network of qualified experts, and come to the negotiating table or courtroom armed with the facts.  If you have suffered an injury in a car accident, let us at Siler & Ingber help you through it. We will advise you on the options you have, and the approach that will lead to the best outcome for you.

Construction Accident Lawyers

The Bronx is a place where things are being built.  It is difficult to go more than a few blocks before you see scaffolding for new construction or the refurbishment of one of the great old buildings in the Bronx.  With all that activity comes a lot of dangerous construction zones.

Indeed, the combination of heavy machinery, workers using powerful construction equipment, and disrupted sidewalks and roadways, accidents can easily happen.  Of course, construction workers understand the risks of working in a construction zone, yet oftentimes proper precautions are forgotten, and people get hurt.

At Siler & Ingber, we have handled countless construction accident injuries for victims who are both workers and passing pedestrians.  Just to give a few examples, we obtained a $2.5 million settlement for a 48-year-old construction worker who was catastrophically injured after falling from a height on the job and tried a construction accident case to a $1.1 million verdict for a worker who was struck by a pallet jack while at work.

New York Labor Laws were written to benefit the workers, not the construction companies. We know how to marshal the proper resources to negotiate a settlement that will appropriately compensation you for your injuries.  And, of course, we have phenomenal trial experience, successfully handling many construction accident cases.

Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Those most vulnerable to car, truck, or construction accidents are pedestrians.  While motorists have the protection of their vehicle when accidents happen, pedestrians have no protection from injury.  In the Bronx, 1,384 pedestrians were injured in accidents in 2017 and 9 were killed. The numbers for 2016 were very much the same, 1,359 injured and 14 killed.

Our team of pedestrian accident attorneys at Siler & Ingber are experts in this sometimes-confusing area of personal injury law.  With highly specific fact patterns, injuries involving pedestrian victims require a special kind of investigative skill to get to all the facts of the case.

Because our team goes the extra mile on our investigations, we are able to aggressively push back against insurance companies who are often unwilling to pay a victim’s necessary compensation.  That is also why Siler & Ingber attorneys are able to control in-depth settlement negotiations and obtain winning verdicts against negligent Bronx drivers. Call us at 877-718-6079 to learn more about how we can help you.

Bicycle Accident Attorneys

The recent surge in bicycle use in the Bronx, and in all metropolitan cities throughout the country, has led to some obvious friction between cyclists and motorists.  Sometimes that friction leads to serious bicycle crashes.

In the Bronx, an average of 300 cyclists are injured and 1 to 2 are killed every year in bicycle accidents.  Indeed, the introduction of the Citibike program has resulted in a spike in the number of bicycle accidents in all of the NYC boroughs since 2016.

Siler & Ingber have the right experience and resources to investigate and litigate a bicycle accident.  Given the uptick in bicycle accidents in recent years, the kind of bicycle accident experience that Siler & Ingber attorneys have is in more and more demand.  Consult with the experts, call Siler & Ingber if you have been injured in a bicycle accident in the Bronx.

Truck Accident Lawyers

After a spike of 359 truck accidents in the Bronx in 2014, the number of Bronx truck accidents has fortunately declined in recent years.  That said, truck accidents can be highly complex incidents that require the touch of an experienced truck accident litigator to discern what occurred.

The attorneys at Siler & Ingber have particularized expertise with regard to truck accidents in the Bronx and throughout New York City.  Having litigated countless truck accident cases, we know all of the ins and outs of the causes of truck accident cases. With that exceptional background, our attorneys are then able to negotiate sizable settlements for our clients.  In addition, we have successfully tried many cases to verdict.

Indeed, our understanding of the anatomy of a truck accident case inures to your benefit if you have been injured as a pedestrian, cyclist, or motorist in a truck crash.  Call us for a free consultation to discuss your case today at  1-516-294-2666.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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