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Bicycle Accident 

A personal injury settlement was reached for a Queens cyclist struck by a motor vehicle.


Car Accident 

Awarded to a woman injured in a left-turn collision at a Nassau County intersection.


Trip & Fall 

A settlement was secured for a 68-year-old victim who tripped on a depressed sidewalk slab outside a medical office and sustained foot and ankle injuries that required surgery


Pedestrian Knockdown 

We secured a settlement for a pedestrian who was hit by a vehicle and injured, resulting in shoulder surgery.


Ambulance Accident & Tractor Trailer/Truck

A 35 year old female passenger in an ambulance was struck by an 18-wheeler resulting in the loss of two limbs.


Workplace Injury

A 58 year old male power washer was at a job site where he began to descend a ladder, the ladder shifted causing our client to fall. Our client underwent spinal surgery and a verdict was rendered just shy of $6 million dollars.


Car Accident

A 47 year old female was driving home when a commercial vehicle rear-ended her car. She required a lumbar fusion surgical procedure.


Workplace Accident (Construction)

An undocumented 48 year old El Salvadorian male worker was catastrophically injured due to falling from a height on the job. The settlement was for his medical care and loss of earnings due to his disabilities from the fall.


Bus Accident

A 72 year old male salesman was walking his dog in the crosswalk of an intersection in NY City when a bus making a left turn struck our client. Our client required numerous leg surgeries. On the eve of trial the case settled against the city of New York.


Hit In Rear Accident

A 55 year old male was rear-ended at a stop sign in Suffolk County. He sustained a herniated disc in his neck requiring cervical surgery.


Workplace Injury ( Construction)

A 64 year old male was struck by a pallet jack while at work. Our client sustained a torn meniscus requiring knee surgery and a herniated lumbar disc. The case resolved at trial in Kings county.


Car Accident

A 23 year old female in Nassau County passenger in a motor vehicle collision suffered a herniated disc resulting in lumbar surgery.


Pedestrian Knockdown

A 75 year old male in New York City underwent multiple leg surgeries due to being hit by a motor vehicle while crossing the street on the way to a Broadway show.


Car Accident

A 58-year-old female was injured in a car accident from being struck in the rear by a box truck. She suffered multiple herniations requiring percutaneous discectomy surgery. A settlement was reached in Nassau County at mediation.


Car Accident

A woman was T-boned at an intersection and several people in the vehicle suffered whiplash injuries. Our client suffered other major injuries resulting in a $700K settlement.


Supermarket Boxes Fall

A supermarket customer was injured when reaching for an item on the store shelf when heavy, misplaced boxes on a higher level fell on top of her. The woman sustained non-life threatening injuries and collected a $700K verdict.


Slip & Fall

Our client had tripped and fell on cracked and dislocated sidewalk pavement outside of a convenience store. The impact to the body in the slip-and-fall accident caused fractured vertebrae. A $675K settlement was recovered.


Slip & Fall ( Ice )

An elderly male living at the Pines Motor Lodge hotel in Nassau County slipped and fell on ice in the parking lot causing him to strike his head. Defendants argued that our client was intoxicated. Plaintiff’s injuries were consistent with trauma to the head and post traumatic memory loss. Case settled at trial.


Property Damage

A vehicle endured property damage due to roofing nails found on their property. Video surveillance showed contractors did not clean up after redoing clients’ roof. Case resolved prior to trial for $600,000.


Dog Bite

A female child entered the property of the dog owner to pet the dog. The dog attacked the child’s face. As a result the client suffered facial disfigurement requiring plastic surgery. The case settled in excess of the insurance policy.


Pedestrian Knockdown

We recovered $370,000 in a settlement for our 87-year-old retired client who was walking in a parking lot of a small strip mall when the defendant driver backed into our client and knocked her to the ground.


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Client developed a fever and the chest radiograph showed opacities on the right side due to a faulty carbon monoxide detector.


Defective Tire

Our client suffered a blowout accident due to being fitted with the wrong kind of tires, a valid claim was filed against the negligent body shop and $300,000 was recovered.


Truck Accident

Our client sustained a fractured collarbone and a shattered ankle. After our attorneys took the trucking company to court, our client was awarded for both his injuries and the damages that he sustained as a result of the speeding tractor trailer.


Elderly Woman Falls

A elderly woman slipped and fell on an icy path outside of a grocery store. The injuries were non-life threatening and we were able to recover a $225,000 settlement.


Laser Burns

37 year old female suffered facial burns while undergoing laser hair removal. Thankfully the scars healed, yet we were able to secure the result.


Nursing Home Neglect

A 73-year-old woman in a nursing home received a $125,000 settlement for falling off of the toilet when she was supposed to be supervised.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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