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Foot Injuries

Ankle and foot injuries will undoubtedly make it very difficult for victims to move about throughout their daily lives, and they are always a legitimate interference within our work and overall daily activities. If you suffered a foot or ankle injury that was ultimately caused by another individual’s negligence or in a work accident, then you may be entitled to compensation.

The Siler & Ingber team can help you receive your rightful compensation for any type of foot or ankle injury, and our 20+ years of experience and countless successful cases have helped our personal injury lawyers become recognized as one of the top personal injury firms in the entirety of New York.

When you reach out to us for a free case review, we’ll be able to provide you with the guidance you’ll need to start taking the necessary first steps towards litigation, and we’ll help you answer the following important questions:

  • Are you legally entitled to compensation for any economic/non-economic damages that were caused by a foot or ankle injury?
  • What should you do if someone else’s negligence was responsible for the accident that caused your foot or ankle injury?
  • How can our team of personal injury lawyers help you with your foot injury?

Common Causes of Foot and Ankle Injuries

There are many different types of accidents that can lead to serious feet and ankle injuries, including the following examples:

  • Car AccidentsThe Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma recently published a study indicating that over a course of 23 years there has been a significant increase in overall car safety, but there has also been a relative increase in the number of foot and ankle fractures as a result of car accidents within the same study period.
  • Workplace IncidentsThere are many different types of foot and ankle injuries that commonly occur in the workplace, but some of the most common are punctures, broken feet, amputated toes, serious lacerations, severed toes and feet, electric shock, fractured bones and sprained ankles.
  • Motorcycle AccidentsMotorcycle crashes tend to be a leading cause of foot injuries, and many times the severity of foot and ankle injuries in motorcycle accidents is very serious.
  • FallsSlippery floors and other types of dangerous walkways cause many types of trips and falls in a workplace or other type of property. Many times, serious falls will result in a fractured foot and/or ankle bones, or serious sprains.
  • Truck AccidentThere are countless situations in which the overall impact of a commercial truck with a smaller passenger vehicle causes serious injuries, which many times include foot and ankle injuries.
  • Pedestrian Accidents — When a motor vehicle or even a bicycle strikes a pedestrian, it’s safe to say that the pedestrian has little to no protection from the impact. This makes pedestrians very vulnerable to all types of injuries, including foot and ankle injuries.
  • Product LiabilityThere are countless types of products that can potentially malfunction or be defective and ultimately be the root cause of a serious foot or ankle injury. In these cases, plaintiffs can recover compensation from a product manufacturer.

Common Types of Foot and Ankle Injuries from Accidents

It’s important to make the distinction between workplace injuries and other types of accidents, because if your foot or ankle injury occurred due to your job duties then you’ll potentially be able to make a workers’ compensation claim. But if your injuries were caused by someone else’s carelessness or general negligence in any other setting, then you could potentially have the legal right to file a personal injury claim.

There are many different types of foot and ankle injuries that can happen to anyone within any work or non-working setting, and some of these common injuries include the following:

  • Bone Fractures — The tibia, fibula and talus bones join together at the ankle, and these bones are commonly broken in car accidents and all types of falls. There are many different bones within feet and toes that are also commonly broken.
  • Tendonitis — The tendons around a person’s foot and ankle can become irritated and eventually severely inflamed, which can cause long-term mobility limitations and very serious pain.
  • Amputation — There are situations in which a person’s foot can be crushed or brutally injured and require amputation. Amputation is typically necessary when there is an ample amount of cell death, which is commonly caused by a significant loss of blood flow. Accidents can also be the direct cause of an amputation as well.
  • Foot Punctures — It may seem rare and a potential comparative negligence situation, but there are many instances in which very sharp objects can puncture the soles of a person’s feet and cause serious damage.
  • Sprains — It’s estimated that about 25,000 ankle sprains happen on a daily basis, just in the United States. Sprains come about when ligaments are torn within a person’s foot or ankle, and they’re usually very painful. Although most sprains can be healed with rest and time, there are some scenarios in which surgery is required to properly reset the ligaments so they can heal properly.
  • Compartment Syndromes — Compartment syndromes dealing with feet and ankles occur when some type of heavy object runs over and severely impacts a person’s foot, which always will cause serious pain. Our feet are comprised of several small compartments filled with tendons, nerves and muscles, so when a serious foot injury occurs it can many times lead to internal bleeding and swelling as these compartments expand. This is a serious issue because if swelling gets out of control it can lead to excess blood flow within foot compartments that will then lead to a person’s muscles and nerves not properly functioning.
  • Metatarsal Fractures — These types of injuries are very common, and many times metatarsal fractures will require surgery because there is a better success rate for healing when surgery is conducted, as opposed to just using a boot or cast. This is a very debilitating injury and surgical recovery that requires people to not walk on their injured foot for 6+ weeks.
  • Heel Bone Fractures — Serious injuries to an individual’s heel bone are always very debilitating, and it almost always will require surgery to put the bone back together via the use of multiple screws and a metal plate. This type of surgery needs to be performed as quickly as possible post-injury to prevent the risks of permanent deformity and chronic pain/arthritis. These injuries also entail rigorous rehabilitation processes and long-term physical therapy.

Getting Compensation for Your Foot or Ankle Injury

The ways in which a foot injury victim will receive their rightful compensation will essentially depend upon the surrounding facts of your case. There are many scenarios in which an injured person can have a claim for negligence against another individual or entity, but the process of going about receiving your compensation for your damages can vary depending on where and how your injury occurred.

The actual “valuing” of your case has a lot to do with the severity of the injury and expected duration of your symptoms and overall physical limitations. Economic damages like lost wages and medical bills are relatively easy to calculate, but non-economic damages like “pain and suffering” and “loss of quality of life” are a little more complicated.

But this is what we’re here to help you with, and our successful track record is a clear indication that we always put everything into all of our clients’ cases. We’ll always be diligent in terms of creating a fair settlement value and taking your claim to trial if necessary.

We never back down from insurance companies and other pressures to settle for less than you rightfully deserve, and our numbers don’t lie in that we always achieve positive results.

Our Personal Injury Lawyers Assist Foot and Ankle Injury Victims

If you or a loved one has suffered from a foot or ankle injury in New York that was caused by someone else’s negligence, reach out to us for a free case review as soon as possible so we can go over the details of your situation and begin the first steps towards seeking out all your potential sources for compensatory recovery.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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