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Long Island Accident Lawyer

After getting injured in an accident, you need to know how to hold the responsible party financially responsible for what you’ve been through. Get the results you need by working with a Long Island accident attorney.

According to the saying, accidents happen all the time, which makes them sound like commonplace, everyday occurrences. It certainly doesn’t feel that way when you’ve been on the receiving end of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, however.

When you get hurt and another person or entity was responsible, it can leave you dealing with physical or mental limitations, medical expenses, lost income, and many other losses and damages—all at no fault of your own. This can lead to immense frustration and great financial debt.

If this is the situation that you’re dealing with, you should know that you have legal options available for seeking financial compensation from the negligent parties. A Long Island accident lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP can help you recover the damages you’ve experienced, ensuring that you have the opportunity to make the fullest recovery possible.

Injury-Causing Accidents Take Many Forms

As experienced accident attorneys, we know just how varied personal injury claims can be. No matter what situation you find yourself in, we’ll have the practical experience necessary to determine who was at fault and how best to proceed with your claim:

Motor Vehicle Crashes

Automobile collisions are by far the most frequent source of serious and catastrophic injuries. While the at-fault party is often another driver, it’s also possible that a parts manufacturer, mechanic, government agency, or another third party was responsible.

Whether you need to file a no-fault claim or seek compensation through an injury claim against the party who caused the collision, our Long Island accident attorneys can help you with any form of vehicle crash:

Work Accidents

While construction is the industry that sees the most injury-causing accidents, an on-the-job injury can happen to anyone in any field of work. Most work accidents will qualify for workers compensation, which can provide some immediate financial relief, but this won’t cover all of the losses and damages incurred by a serious injury.

Full compensation means filing a personal injury claim, but work accidents must meet some fairly strict criteria in order to qualify for moving beyond the workers comp system. In most cases, either willful negligence or a third party will need to be involved. Our accident lawyers can help you make the determination on whether your claim qualifies.

Medical Accidents

It’s a sad thing, but thousands of people suffer injuries and illness due to the negligence of their healthcare providers every year. When this happens, a medical malpractice claim can be filed to recover financial compensation from the responsible practitioner.

While most people associate malpractice with sloppy doctors, nurses, and hospitals, any licensed healthcare provider could be held responsible for negligence. This includes pharmacists, chiropractors, and physical therapists—just to name a few.

Product Liability Incidents

The number of defective products that make their way onto the market every year is truly astounding. Product manufacturers are often guilty of prioritizing quick and easy profits over consumer safety, which can leave their customers sick or wounded.

Accidents involving defective products will usually require taking on a large company of some kind, so it’s crucial to have a Long Island accident lawyer on your side who won’t be intimidated by their high-powered legal team.

Premises Liability Accidents

Accidents involving property hazards and premises in disrepair are often the fault of negligent property owners. In most situations, if it can be proven that the property owner either knew about or should have known about the danger and failed to address it, then compensation can be sought through a premises liability claim.

These accidents can be incredibly varied, ranging from slip-and-fall accidents to dog attacks to assaults enabled by poor security or lighting. A good accident lawyer will be able to help you develop a case that shows how the property or building owner could have taken steps that would have prevented your injuries from happening.

Full Compensation for Your Accident

Our firm understands that when it comes to litigation, there is no second place. You either get fully compensated for the negative consequences of an accident, or you have to pay for damages caused by someone else out of your own finances.

Our attorneys will fully assess the value of your claim, working with both you and your medical care providers to uncover all of your losses and how your life will be affected by your injuries in the future.

These are just a few of the damages and losses that it might be possible to include in your accident claim:

  • Cost of medical care, medication, equipment, and therapy
  • Lost wages, salary, and earning capacity
  • Cost to renovate your home to accommodate a new disability
  • Transportation expenses
  • Emotional trauma and mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost enjoyment of life

Connect with an Accident Attorney in Long Island

Recovering from an accident to the fullest extent possible means obtaining full compensation from those responsible—and that means working with an injury law firm that can get results. At Siler & Ingber, LLP, we can get you the best possible resolution for your accident claim.

Don’t settle for anything less than the highest-quality legal representation. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim. Just complete the contact form located at the bottom of this page, or give us a call directly at 1-516-294-2666.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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