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Islip Personal Injury Lawyer

Serious injuries can have catastrophic effects on your daily life. Don’t let those effects bleed into your financial wellbeing; hire an Islip injury attorney.

Even the most responsible people have accidents sometimes. If the accident is not your fault, however, you may come away from the experience feeling frustrated and confused about how to proceed. You may also be dealing with challenging injuries and watching your medical bills pile up.

After an accident that was a result of someone else’s negligence, you may have grounds for filing an injury claim.

Your first step is contacting an Islip personal injury lawyer at Siler & Ingber, LLP. Your lawyer will investigate what happened, collect evidence to prove who was at fault, and determine how much compensation you’re owed. Then, we’ll fight to make sure you get it.

Investigating Injury Cause and Fault

Any type of accident can result in a catastrophic injury. You and your lawyer will work together to maximize the amount of compensation you receive by identifying everyone who contributed to causing your injury. Your Islip personal injury attorney will investigate and determine whether more than one person should be mentioned in your lawsuit.

The following are just a few of the accident types that could justify pursuing damages through an injury lawsuit:

  • Vehicle Accidents – A car, motorcycle, bus, or truck crash could qualify for compensation if another driver, passenger, parts manufacturer, government entity, or any other party was at fault.
  • Product Liability – No company has a right to put its profits before your safety. If a defective appliance, bad medication, or any other defective product has left you ill or injured, you have a right to file a product liability claim.
  • Premises Liability – From brain injuries caused by a slip-and-fall to disfiguring lacerations caused by a dog attack, you can hold a negligent property owner responsible for failing to address a property hazard..
  • Workplace Accidents – While a work injury will usually qualify for work comp, this won’t compensate all your losses. If your work accident meets the necessary criteria, you might be able to pursue full compensation in a personal injury claim.
  • Medical Malpractice – If you’ve been injured by a misdiagnosis or a negligent doctor, you can hold the responsible person accountable.

Compensation for Your Catastrophic Injury

One mistake can lead to injuries that have impacts on the rest of your life. If the mistake wasn’t yours, you shouldn’t have to suffer more than you already have.

A successful personal injury claim can make sure your finances are taken care of after your serious injury. Below are a few of the potential losses your Islip accident injury lawyer may help you recover:

  • Present and future medical bills incurred by your injuries
  • Loss of income or earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and cognitive therapy
  • Lost interest in hobbies or activities you once enjoyed
  • Diminished quality of life overall

Working with both your healthcare team and your lawyer will allow you to assess exactly what your recovery will cost, how your quality of life will be affected, and how your injury will affect you in the long term.

Islip Car Accident Lawyer

Don’t let the chance to receive the compensation you need to recover after your car accident slip through your fingers. Team up with an Islip car crash lawyer to get what you need.

Whether you’ve been involved in a fender bender or a head-on collision, you are probably dealing with medical bills and worrying about how to get your car fixed without a lot of hassle and expense.

Working with an insurance company usually just adds insult to your injuries, and other drivers are almost always reluctant to admit their fault. If you’re facing resistance while trying to obtain compensation after your crash, you may be able to seek compensation through a personal injury claim.

But you’ll probably need some legal help. Free yourself to concentrate on your own life and injuries by allowing an Islip car accident lawyer with Siler & Ingber, LLP to handle your car accident injury claim.

Dealing with the Insurance Company

Shortly after they wreck, many drivers find out just how challenging it can be to work with the insurance company when you need compensation. Treatment for your injuries and the repair of your vehicle are rarely top priorities for them.

Insurance companies usually try to settle claims before accident victims can get an attorney involved. They don’t want to risk someone discovering what their claim’s actual value is, so they’ll pressure you to accept their lowball settlement offers while you are at your most vulnerable.

Always consult with your Islip auto accident lawyer before signing anything or providing a statement to the insurer or an opposing attorney. You deserve fair compensation, and we’re not afraid to go to court to make sure you get it.

Who or What Caused Your Crash?

Careless behavior is a primary cause of countless car accidents. Identifying who all was involved and how they were negligent is a challenge, but it’s essential to getting the compensation you’re owed.

Described below are some common causes of crashes that will need to be considered when investigating your auto collision:

  • Distracted Driving – Anything that takes a driver’s attention away from the road can cause an auto crash.  
  • Drunk Driving – The intoxicated driver is nearly always found at fault if alcohol or drugs are involved in the accident.
  • Speeding – Driving over the speed limit is a negligent driving behavior that leads to many Islip car accidents.
  • Road Construction – When a driver doesn’t pay careful attention while navigating construction sites, wrecks often occur. Likewise, if roadside construction sites are improperly placed or do not display adequate signage, they can cause drivers to crash.
  • Dangerous Roads – If roads have not been taken care of properly, you may be able to recover compensation from the government entity in charge of that road’s maintenance.

Car Crash Compensation

After determining cause and fault in your accident, you will work with your Islip auto crash attorney to come up with an amount that you feel represents the true value of your losses.

Below are a few of the most common types of losses you can expect to recover:

  • Current and future medical bills resulting from your injury
  • Lost wages or earning potential
  • Car repair or replacement
  • Pain and mental anguish
  • Disinterest in hobbies or activities you once loved

Islip Truck Accidents

Semi-truck accidents are some of the most dangerous and stressful accidents that occur. If you’ve been the victim of an 18-wheeler crash, an Islip truck accident attorney will help you recover all the damages you’re entitled to.

A car accident can be stressful enough, but after a crash with an 18-wheeler or semi-truck, your injuries can be catastrophic. The resulting medical bills, repair costs, and other damages can have life-altering effects.

There is hope, however. If your truck accident was someone else’s fault, you can file a claim for compensation. For help doing so, contact an Islip truck accident lawyer at Siler & Ingber, LLP.

We will assess your case, investigate, take witness statements, and handle all negotiations with the insurance company while fighting for the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Who Caused the Semi-Truck Collision?

It’s entirely possible that multiple parties are at fault for your 18-wheeler crash injuries. This is true for most accidents, but it’s especially true for commercial truck wrecks.

That’s because drivers can work directly for a trucking company or own their truck and employ a number of people to maintain and load it. Any or all of those parties could be found responsible for your accident. And naming as many parties as possible in your demand for compensation will help you receive the most compensation possible.

Your lawyer will sort out the details of who caused your injuries, but what follows are some common causes of truck crashes:

  • Distracted Driving – Anything that distracts a commercial truck driver from the road can cause an accident. Distractions include passengers, eating and drinking, and cell phones.
  • Fatigued Driving – If a drowsy trucker fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into you, the rest logs might reveal that the truck was on the road for longer than legally allowed, which could be used to support your claim.
  • Dangerous Scheduling – Some trucking companies encourage drivers to meet unreasonable deadlines. Negligent scheduling can lead to speeding and other reckless driving behaviors.
  • Unsecured Cargo – Loose loads can lead to debris in the road that causes other vehicles to crash. If truck cargo fell onto the road and caused your Islip truck accident, you may be able to name the cargo loader or restraint manufacturer in your claim.
  • Dangerous RoadsHazardous road conditions that caused a big rig to crash could mean that the government entity responsible for maintaining the road owes you financial compensation.

Recover Damages for Truck Crash Injuries

Very often, insurers and trucking companies will pressure you to accept a lowball initial settlement offer to avoid going to court, where they might end up having to pay you much more.

These entities have teams of people who know how to manipulate you with various tactics. Instead of dealing with all of that yourself, let your Islip truck accident attorney handle the trucking and insurance companies. We won’t hesitate to take them to court to get you the compensation you deserve.

Siler & Ingber, LLP can help you recover compensation for any of the following damages:

  • Lost income, wages, and earning ability
  • Current and future medical costs
  • Physical therapy or rehabilitation
  • Property damage repair or replacement
  • Emotional pain and anguish
  • Reduced quality of life

We care about the losses you’ve experienced and know how far fair compensation can go to restore your sense of justice.

Islip Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

You can be the most safety-conscious motorcycle rider on the road and still be injured by a careless driver. If that has happened to you, get in touch with an Islip motorcycle crash lawyer for help.

Injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic because motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable drivers on the road—even while wearing a helmet. As you sit at home or in the hospital worrying about your medical bills and damaged motorcycle, you may not know how to go forward.

But Siler & Ingber, LLP can help. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation, and we know how to make sure you get it.

We can help you find out whether you have grounds for a personal injury claim for your motorcycle crash. Your Islip motorcycle accident lawyer will investigate your accident and determine the full value of your claim. We’ll handle everything from the paperwork to the fight with the insurance company.

Fighting Stereotypes

Determining who caused your motorcycle accident is key to helping you recover all of your losses. Unfortunately, the other side is likely to try to push the blame onto you.

At Siler & Ingber, LLP, we have seen firsthand how insurance companies employ false stereotypes about reckless bikers to reduce the amount of compensation they have to pay. If they have the chance, they’ll try to make the accident look like it was your fault.

We think those stereotypes and tactics are unfair, and we’ll do everything in our power to make sure the truth surrounding your crash is heard. And we’re not afraid to take that fight to court.

Islip Motorcycle Accident Injuries

We understand how severe motorcycle crash injuries can be, and we know the effects they can have on your daily life.

Some common injuries motorcycle accident victims suffer include the following:

Compensation for Your Motorcycle Accident

After your Islip motorcycle accident, you may be wondering what kind of compensation you’re entitled to seek.

Below are only some of the damages you may be able to recover with the help of your attorney:

  • All medical bills, current and future
  • Loss of income or ability to work
  • Physical and emotional therapy
  • Motorcycle repair, a rental car, and public transportation fees
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lack of interest in social activities you once enjoyed
  • Costs associated with renovating your home to accommodate your injuries

While no amount of money can make up for the suffering you’ve endured, hopefully you will find some sense of justice when you receive full and fair compensation. Your Islip motorcycle wreck lawyer will fight for your right to financial justice if your crash was someone else’s fault.

Speak with an Islip Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligent behavior, failing to file a personal injury claim could mean you miss out on the financial resources you need to fund your recovery. For help filing your claim and building your case, reach out to Siler & Ingber, LLP today.

To schedule your consultation with an Islip personal injury lawyer, call 1-516-294-2666 or fill out the online contact form at the bottom of this page.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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