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Long Island Burn Injury Lawyer

If you’ve suffered severe burns in an accident, the negligent party needs to compensate your losses. Hold them accountable by working with a Long Island burn attorney.

Burn injuries can be devastating to both your physical and mental health. Recovery is often long, complicated, and expensive—especially if the burn is severe. If you’ve been the victim of a burn injury in a vehicle crash, workplace incident, or electrical accident and suspect someone else is to blame, you may be entitled to seek damages for your losses.

You may find yourself struggling to heal after your accident. With repeated trips to the doctor’s office, the last thing you need to have weighing on your mind is a long, drawn-out fight with an insurance company.

If you’d like to talk with someone to see if you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, contact a Long Island burn injury lawyer at Siler & Ingber, LLP. We will investigate your case and make sure that you recover full compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.  

The High Cost of Severe Burns

Burn injury treatment can be particularly expensive as burns are some of the most difficult injuries to fully recover from. These injuries often create such extreme trauma that a person’s life can be changed forever.

After an explosion, fire, or chemical exposure, a burn injury can require a lengthy stay in the hospital with months of follow-up care. Pain can remain indefinitely—even after healing—especially if there’s been significant nerve damage.

Additionally, restoring your appearance after suffering permanent disfigurement or unsightly burn scars can require incredibly expensive plastic surgery and skin grafts. If you are not responsible for your burn injury, you should not have to pay these bills.

When faced with the challenges of a serious burn injury, the most effective way to ensure your needs are adequately met and that your rights are completely protected is to contact a Long Island burn injury lawyer who has experience gathering evidence and proving fault.

Burn Injuries and Diminished Quality of Life

The compensation you receive should also account for your non-financial losses. A burn injury can have a serious impact on your quality of life, and this shouldn’t go unaddressed in your personal injury claim.

For example, your burn injury may impact how you relate socially. Perhaps you feel more self-conscious while spending time with friends or even your own family. You may also notice a difference in your self-confidence and decide that staying home alone is better than enduring stares and questions.

Severe burns can also cause a lack of interest in activities you used to enjoy and may even limit your ability to function on your own.

These types of damages are non-economic in nature, but they still need to be compensated. Your burn attorney will be committed to maximizing your compensation under the law.

Connect with a Long Island Severe Burn Attorney

If you’ve experienced a burn injury, you have the legal right to hold the responsible party accountable. At Siler & Ingber, LLP, we know personal injury law and have experience handling burn injury cases.

For a free, no-obligation consultation with a Long Island burn injury lawyer, contact us online through the form below or call 1-516-294-2666. You do not have to suffer alone.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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