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How Does Car Insurance Work in New York?

Although the concept should be simple, car insurance in New York can be confusing. But knowing when and how your insurance or that of another driver will cover you in the event of a car accident is essential after you’ve been injured in a crash.

We’re here to help you with the basics of how car insurance works in New York. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact a car accident attorney at Siler & Ingber, LLP.

No-Fault Insurance

The state of New York has no-fault coverage for motorists. Put simply, that means your own no-fault insurance will cover your medical bills and lost income when you’ve been hurt in a car crash.

The concept of “no fault” comes into play because your own New York insurance will cover you regardless of who was at fault for the accident that injured you.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Unfortunately, no-fault insurance can sometimes leave injured New York residents needing additional compensation. This type of insurance has limits, and it doesn’t account for some intangible but devastating damages, such as emotional trauma.

To be compensated above and beyond what New York no-fault coverage provides, your injuries or expenses have to meet a certain threshold. The following are some examples of serious injuries that could qualify you to file a personal injury claim for compensation in New York:

  • Disability that lasts ninety days or more
  • Broken bones
  • Disfigurement or severe scarring
  • Any injury that causes you to lose the function of a body part or organ

Work with a Car Crash Lawyer

The complex nature of New York’s insurance system leads many car accident victims to enlist the services of a car accident lawyer. The added benefit is that working with a lawyer can boost your chance of receiving the compensation you need to recover.

To get in touch with a car crash attorney at Siler & Ingber, LLP, give us a call at 1-516-294-2666 or fill out our online contact form at the bottom of the page.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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