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Long Island Dog Bite Lawyer

If you were attacked by a dog and left with serious injuries, you might have grounds to seek financial compensation. Find out by speaking with a Long Island dog bite lawyer.

The relationship between dogs and humans is truly special—there’s a reason why dogs are called “man’s best friend.” Unfortunately, sometimes man’s best friend does not act so friendly. If you’ve been injured by a dog bite, you know what a scary experience it can be.

Around 4.5 million dog bites occur each year, and one in five of these bites becomes infected. An infected bite means that you’re at higher risk of developing an illness after the canine attack, such as rabies, MRSA, or tetanus.

If you’ve been injured because a dog owner did not follow proper precautions and his or her dog bit you, it’s important to seek legal help so that you can get a full and fair settlement for your losses. A Long Island dog bite lawyer with Siler & Ingber, LLP can be a strong ally who will represent your interests and work to get you what you’re owed.

Who’s Responsible for a Dog Attack?

Dog owners, landlords, and anyone who harbors a dog have a responsibility to train their animals and ensure that they do not pose a threat to the public. Unfortunately, some owners are lax in these responsibilities. Even worse, a handful of dog owners are willfully negligent and actually encourage dangerous canine behaviors.

Section 121 of the New York Code says that the owner of a “dangerous dog” is responsible for injuries sustained by people, livestock, or companion animals such as service dogs. The owner is liable for medical bills resulting from dog bites, even if the owner took precautions to restrain the dog.

A “dangerous dog” is one that meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Has already bitten a person, livestock, or pet
  • Exhibits dangerous behavior such that a reasonable person would believe the dog poses a threat to others

Law enforcement dogs are not included in the statute.

Can I sue for a dog bite in New York?

In the state of New York, if you sustained a physical or psychological injury from a dog bite you may be able to file a lawsuit against the dog’s owner.  There is a “One Bite” Law in New York.  This law states that a dog owner is only liable for their pet’s injurious actions if the owner had knowledge that the animal has shown prior vicious propensity in the past.  Dog bite injury claims are usually filed by personal injury in civil court

Comparative Negligence and Defenses Used Against You

New York follows the doctrine of comparative negligence. This means that if your actions are found to have contributed to the dog biting you, your compensation amount will be reduced by the percentage of fault you are found responsible for.

This is especially important to consider after being attacked by a dog, as the owner will likely try to blame you for what happened. This makes it essential to have a Long Island dog bite lawyer who can build a case that proves what really happened. Common dog bite defenses that you might encounter are detailed below:

  • The dog was protecting itself, its puppies, or its owner
  • The dog was protecting property against a trespasser
  • The dog was experiencing pain and reacted by biting
  • The dog was provoked, assaulted, or abused and bit in defense

Other Considerations in Dog Attack Claims

While some breeds get a bad rap, studies have shown that any breed has the possibility of posing a threat to the public, and that one breed is not inherently more dangerous than another. Whether you were attacked by a pit bull, Rottweiler, Chihuahua, or poodle, it doesn’t really matter. Your Long Island dog bite lawyer will be able to help you build a case proving how the canine injured you.

Also, it’s important to remember that you don’t have an unlimited amount of time in which to seek compensation for your bite injuries. In New York, the statute of limitations on a dog bite case is three years from the time of the bite. Your injury claim must be filed before this statute runs out for your case to be heard.

NY Dog Bite Lawsuit Settlements

Your Long Island dog bite lawyer will take into account all of the damages you are facing after your dog attack. We’ll make certain that the compensation you ultimately receive is both comprehensive and the largest amount available for your claim.

These are some of the financial and non-economic damages you might be able to recover:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages and earning ability
  • Therapy expenses, whether physical or emotional
  • Pain and suffering
  • Decreased quality of life
  • Disfigurement

A canine attack can be a terrifying thing to live through, and the aftershocks—in the form of physical or emotional trauma and medical bills—can keep coming. You can rely on our firm to get you the compensation you need and deserve.

Dog Attacks More Common in Summer

The “dog days of summer” refers to the hottest days of summer between July & August.  It is during these hotter and longer days that bring more people outdoors for recreation.  This is also the time of year when we see a heightened risk of dog attacks and dog bite injuries.  According to a recent article in the Patch, there is no scientific evidence that an increase in temperatures makes dogs mores aggressive.  However, we do see that hot weather has an impact on dog bite statistics.

Children are at the greatest risk of being bitten by a dog during the summer.  It is important that parents be prepared and remember some basic safety tips regarding children and dog bites:

Educate Your Children

It is vital to teach children from a young age how to be safe around dogs. They don’t always understand how to be gentle and they may not understand that a dog can bite.  You must explain and remind kids that they should not approach dogs they do not know. Also, teach them not to touch a dog’s food, provoke them or play with them in a rough manner. Remind children that dogs bite when they are scared, intimidated or feeling protective.

Always Be Alert

Be alert for signs of dangerous dogs.  Keep kids away from a dog if a dog is indicating signs of aggression. Teach kids to be aware of these signs and to slowly move away if a dog is growling or showing its teeth. If you can see the whites of a dog’s eyes and/or its fur is standing up, stay away. If the dog’s body is rigid or it is licking its lips, it may be stressed and ready to attack.

Contact a Long Island Dog Bite Lawyer

You don’t have to face the aftermath of a canine bite alone. Contact a Long Island dog bite lawyer with Siler & Ingber, LLP today. Just call 1-516-294-2666 or use the online contact form on this page to arrange a time for your free case evaluation.

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The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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