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Long Island Birth Injury Lawyer

A birth injury changes your baby’s life from day one. To hold the responsible party accountable for this tragedy, work with a Long Island birth injury attorney.

Giving birth to your child is supposed to be a special time—the beginning of your newborn’s life. But when a doctor or other medical professional is careless with your care, you and your baby are at risk.

Birth injuries can alter your baby’s life forever. They can have horrific effects on mothers, too. But there is a bit of good news during this tragic, stressful time: You may be able to recover compensation from the healthcare professional who harmed you or your baby.

You can file a personal injury claim with the help of a Long Island birth injury lawyer at Siler & Ingber, LLP.

When Is the Doctor Liable?

All birth injuries are terrible, but they don’t all warrant a Long Island birth injury claim. That’s because the doctor has to have acted negligently, and that negligence has to have led to the injury.

Because medical professionals are entrusted with people’s lives, they are expected to recognize potential problems and diagnose, treat, or otherwise respond to them before they cause unnecessary harm.

Some conditions that can lead to birth injuries when doctors do not respond properly include the following:

  • Fetuses with very high or low expected birth weight
  • Mothers who have irregularly shaped pelvises
  • Long labor and other labor difficulties
  • Fetuses that are not receiving enough oxygen

If your doctor failed to respond to any of the above conditions or otherwise gave you subpar care, you may be entitled to compensation. But proving negligence in birth injury claims can be tough, which is why many Long Island residents hire a birth injury lawyer.

Types of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries encompass injuries to newborns and mothers. Your Long Island birthing injury lawyer will assess the details of your case to identify the exact nature of the birth injury you or your infant suffered. This information will help your attorney identify exactly who should be held financially responsible for what happened.

Some common types of birth injuries that affect babies include the following:

  • Erb’s palsy
  • Brain injuries due to oxygen deprivation
  • Fractured collarbones or other bones
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Cephalohematoma, a type of bleeding in your infant’s head
  • Death

Birth injuries that affect mothers include the following:

  • C-section errors that leave disfiguring marks or cause internal organ injuries
  • Excessive uterine bleeding
  • Tears and lacerations
  • Excessive bruising and broken bones
  • Wrongful death

Birth Injury Compensation

After assessing, investigating, and building your Long Island birth injury claim, your lawyer will then seek compensation to cover every damage you have suffered. The value of your claim will depend on multiple factors, including the severity of the injuries to you and your infant and the various impacts they have had on your family’s life.

You may be able to receive compensation for the following birth injury damages:

  • Medical care for injuries you and your infant suffered during birth
  • Wages lost while you recovered from your birth injury
  • Ongoing therapy and care in the event that your infant has a brain injury
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Diminished quality of life
  • The death of your infant

Contact a Long Island Birth Injury Attorney

There’s no question that you deserve compensation after you or your infant have suffered a birth injury at the hands of a negligent healthcare professional. But getting what you deserve isn’t easy, especially when you’re facing wealthy hospitals and doctors and large insurance companies.

But a Long Island birth injury lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP is ready to help you. To get in touch, give us a call at 1-516-294-2666 or fill out the online contact form at the bottom of this page.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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