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New York Negligence Laws

When it comes to filing personal injury claims, many people are used to hearing about the “negligent” party. But what exactly does this entail, and how can you prove that the other party was truly responsible for the injuries you sustained?

The lawyers at Siler & Ingber, LLP want to help ensure you are fully knowledgeable and prepared prior to filing a claim for your damages. Below, we’ve compiled some crucial information regarding negligence laws and what you need to know to find success.

Sharing Fault

Every state has statutes regarding the role the victim may have played in contributing to his or her damages. Some states work from a negligence statute that determines a percentage of their liability. If the victim has even the smallest amount of responsibility, he or she is unable to collect compensation.

In New York, however, this is not the case. Victims need only to prove that the other party held liability to recover compensation. While their own liability will be calculated in the case, this percentage will only detract from the amount of compensation they can recover.

For example, imagine your accident lead to $10,000 worth of damages. If the courts found you to be responsible for 10 percent of the accident, you would only be able to recover $9,000—or 10 percent less than the total damage.

Why You Need an Attorney

Because New York negligence laws are based on proving liability, taking on your accident case without a lawyer can have disastrous effects. Your compensation can quickly be reduced to near nothing, leaving you responsible for out-of-pocket costs.

Working with an attorney will enable you to prove the liability of the other party, giving you a chance to secure the most compensation possible.

Contact a New York Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were hurt in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you may need a qualified attorney to help you understand New York negligence laws as you seek compensation. Siler & Ingber, LLP would be happy to represent you and help you secure as much compensation as possible.

Give us a call today at 1-516-294-2666 or fill out the online contact form below to schedule an initial consultation and get started on your claim.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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