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Long Island Slip and Fall Lawyer

When you fall and get injured thanks to negligent conditions on a property, you might be legally entitled to monetary compensation. Find out by working with a Long Island slip-and-fall lawyer.

Every property owner—whether residential or commercial—has a legal obligation to keep his or her grounds free of dangerous hazards and safe for visitors. This requirement includes slip and trip risks that can lead to injury-causing falls. When these dangers go unaddressed, anyone on the property who is unaware of the hazard can easily wind up severely injured, often with a broken bone or traumatic brain injury.

If you’ve been hurt in a slip-and-fall or a trip-and-fall, you could have grounds for a personal injury claim against the owner of the property where you were hurt. These claims can be difficult to successfully resolve, however, as both the cause of your injury and your status as a visitor must be proven. In order to recover full compensation for your injuries and losses, you’ll want a Long Island slip-and-fall lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP on your side.

Difficulties in Slip and Fall Accident Cases

There are three main challenges that your case must address in order for you to collect compensation in a premises liability case:

  • You were a lawful visitor on the property
  • The property owner either knew or should have known about the hazard that caused your fall and failed to adequately address it
  • This negligence was the root cause of your fall

For example, if you visit a store after an employee recently mopped the floor without putting up a “wet floor” sign, then you may not realize the floor is wet and slip and fall when you step onto it. The fall could then easily cause a serious injury, leaving you in need of medical care and in extreme pain.

In this situation, the store should be responsible for your slip-and-fall. The employee should have been properly trained to put up warning signs, and management should have been properly supervising. Their failure to put up a sign is clearly what led to your fall and injury, making them liable for what happened.

Compensation for Fall Injuries

A Long Island slip-and-fall lawyer from our firm will make certain that you receive the full value of your claim. Even if the property owner or their insurer offers to cover your medical bills, you shouldn’t accept an initial offer—no matter how generous it might appear. Accepting this offer will likely leave money on the table that could have been recovered for your other damages and losses.

You deserve to be compensated for all financial costs and lost the quality of life caused by the fall, both current and future:

Work with a Long Island Trip and Fall Lawyer

When you slip and fall because of a negligent property owner or business, it shouldn’t be you paying for the resulting medical bills and other losses. Instead, let a Long Island slip-and-fall lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP help you obtain full compensation. To get started with a free, no-pressure consultation, call 1-516-294-2666 or complete the contact form on this page.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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