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Personal Injury Lawyers Nassau County

Make certain that you get full compensation for your injuries by working with an experienced and knowledgeable Nassau County personal injury lawyer.

Recovering from a serious injury is not easy—nor is it inexpensive. Medical care costs a great deal of money, and an injury can easily prevent you from working, thereby depriving you of your income when you need it most. This doesn’t even touch on the pain and emotional trauma that often go hand-in-hand with such wounds.

When your injury was caused by someone else, the aftermath can feel unjust and overwhelming. You are, however, entitled to compensation to cover your losses, although recouping these damages is often an uphill battle full of legal hurdles. A Nassau County personal injury lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP can help you through the process and onto obtaining the full compensation you deserve.

Legal Help with Any Accident Type

While some accident types are certainly more common than others, nearly any injury scenario where someone else was at fault could qualify you for financial compensation. Every case is unique, however, and it will be important to fully investigate what happened to determine who was at fault and how:

  • Traffic Accidents – Easily the most frequent source of catastrophic injuries, car, bus, semi-truck, and motorcycle crashes are often complicated affairs where the other driver, vehicle manufacturers, local governments, and many other third parties could all be at fault.
  • Workplace Accidents – From construction to office work, on-the-job injuries can sometimes qualify for more than just workers compensation. If an external third party or willful negligence played a role, you might have grounds for a personal injury claim.
  • Premises Liability – Every property owner has a legal responsibility to keep his or her grounds safe for visitors and passersby. Vicious dogs, broken sidewalks, and slick floors are just a few examples of hazards that could lead to serious injuries.
  • Defective Products – You might have a valid product liability case if normal and intended use of a product left you injured due to a defect. Depending on the type of defect, the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, and even advertiser could have been negligent.
  • Medical Malpractice – Your healthcare providers have a duty to deliver the highest level of medical care. When medical negligence leads to an injury or illness, a doctor, hospital, surgeon, pharmacist, dentist, and any other licensed provider can be held responsible.

Laws That Will Affect Your Case

There are several laws that will affect both your case and the potential compensation you could receive. By working with a Nassau County personal injury lawyer from our office, we can ensure that your case doesn’t encounter any legal issues that could have been avoided.

For example, New York has a three-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims and a two-and-a-half-year statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims. If you wait too long to file, your case will be dismissed without being heard.

New York also observes comparative negligence, which means that your potential compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. This makes it critical to have the strongest possible case so that you can maximize the amount recovered in damages.

Nassau County Car Accident Lawyer

A car crash can cause major injuries, vehicle damage, and emotional trauma. Get compensated for all of your losses by working with a Nassau County car accident lawyer.

If you’ve suffered a serious injury in a car wreck, you already know how much medical care is involved in the recovery process afterward. Between healthcare, lost income, property damage, pain, and lost quality of life, few things can disrupt your wellbeing and finances like a car accident can.

While New York is a no-fault state for car insurance, if your injuries are serious enough, you can move beyond the no-fault system and seek damages from the at-fault party through a personal injury claim. This will allow you to seek full compensation rather than just what’s covered by your personal injury protection policy.

You can’t expect the responsible party and their insurer to simply admit fault and treat your claim fairly, however. To get the most compensation possible from your claim, work with a Nassau County car accident lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP.

Identify Who Caused the Collision

While no-fault car insurance compensates you regardless of who was at fault, once you file a personal injury claim, fault becomes central to collecting damages. We will need to investigate the crash and build a compelling case that both proves the other party’s negligence and minimizes your own.

Because New York follows comparative negligence in injury claims, your percentage of fault will reduce your compensation. Insurance companies know this, and trying to pin blame on crash victims to limit their financial liability is one of their preferred tactics.

When investigating the auto wreck, your Nassau County car accident lawyer will need to consider all possible causes and who might have been responsible. It’s entirely possible that multiple parties will bear some level of negligence, and it will be important to seek compensation from everyone responsible. These are just a few of the possible causes that will need to be considered:

  • Distracted driving, such as through texting and cell phone use
  • Drunk or drugged driving
  • Speeding and reckless driving
  • Dangerous road conditions due to neglected maintenance
  • Defective car parts and tires

Collecting Full Compensation for the Crash

Whether your injury was a minor bone fracture or a serious traumatic brain injury, you deserve to be fully compensated for its impact on both your bank account and your quality of life. The insurance company might make you an offer to settle soon after the crash, but you should never accept such an offer without first having a Nassau County car accident lawyer review it. These offers frequently only cover the most obvious expenses, leaving you uncompensated for future expenses and less-obvious damages.

Listed below are just a few of the damages that should be included in your compensation if they apply to your specific case:

  • All medical expenses, both current and future
  • Transportation costs
  • Lost income, wages, and earning capacity
  • Vehicle repair and replacement
  • Emotional distress and treatment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement

Motor Vehicle Accidents & Fatalities: Nassau vs. Suffolk Counties

Click here to see our data on the amount of accidents and fatalities on each day of the week as well as the most common crash descriptors.

2014-2016 Motor Vehicle Accidents

The following bar graph depicts the amount of motor vehicle crashes in Nassau and Suffolk counties over a 3-year period. The numbers don’t differentiate much, but you can tell Nassau has more motor vehicle accidents than Suffolk over 3 years.

2014-2016 Motor Vehicle Fatalities

The next bar chart shows the amount of fatalities in Nassau and Suffolk counties from 2014-2016. Unlike the chart above, Suffolk saw more fatalities over a 3-year span than Nassau. Although the number of fatalities decreased from 2015 to 2016, there rate of motor vehicle fatalities is significantly higher in Suffolk County.

Overall Comparison in Nassau and Suffolk Counties from 2014-2016

You can gather from the pie chart below that there isn’t much of a difference in the percentages of accidents and fatalities between the two counties. Although Nassau saw more motor vehicle accidents and fatalities, there has been a steady decrease in the number of accidents from 2014-2016.

Nassau County Truck Accident Lawyer

A crash with an 18-wheeler doesn’t have to leave you bankrupt as well as injured. Get the help you need to collect full compensation by working with a Nassau County truck accident lawyer.

Commercial trucking is an industry filled with risks, and unfortunately, those risks put other people on the road in danger when things go wrong. From fatigued truck drivers to unsecured cargo, if you were injured in a crash with a semi-truck or its freight, you might have grounds to seek compensation through a personal injury claim.

Unfortunately, neither the trucking company nor their insurance company is going to be eager to accept responsibility: the trucking company because it could damage their reputation and increase their insurance premiums, and the insurer because paying out on claims means that much less in profits.

You don’t have to let them take advantage of you, however. A Nassau County truck accident lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP can build the case that gives you the best chance for collecting full compensation for your injuries and losses.

Fault and Semi-Truck Accidents

Car accidents are rarely straightforward when it comes to determining fault, and this is even truer in 18-wheeler accidents. As commercial vehicles, the average semi-truck has a number of different individuals and companies involved in maintaining and operating it. Likewise, the cargo will have its own set of parties involved. Any number of these entities could bear responsibility for the collision—likely more than one.

Your Nassau County truck accident lawyer will investigate the wreck to determine exactly what happened, why, and who is liable. You need to name all of the negligent parties in your claim, as New York’s comparative negligence laws make each party responsible for only their portion of the damages.

These are just a few of the parties that will need to be considered for fault during the investigation:

  • The trucker
  • The trucking company
  • The cargo owner, especially if the cargo was hazardous in some way
  • The cargo-loading team
  • The maintenance company
  • Government agencies in charge of road maintenance

The Most Compensation Possible

Our firm won’t be satisfied with accepting the first settlement offered by the insurance company. Your Nassau County truck accident lawyer will ensure that the compensation you receive includes every penny you are owed—whether things can be settled out of court or must go to trial.

You deserve to be compensated for all financial expenses related to the crash and your injuries. Additionally, you should receive funds to cover your non-economic damages, as well, which represent how your quality of life has been negatively impacted in the 18-wheeler crash’s aftermath.

  • Medical bills for surgeries, checkups, medications, and equipment
  • Lost income and earning ability
  • Transportation expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement and emotional distress
  • Lost enjoyment of life

Nassau County Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If someone else caused a motorcycle wreck that left you with serious injuries, medical bills, and other damages, you deserve to be compensated. Find out how to proceed with your claim by consulting with a Nassau County motorcycle accident lawyer.

It’s no secret that a motorcycle crash has a high probability of leaving the biker with catastrophic injuries. What’s not so well-known is the uphill battle that injured motorcyclists often have to go through when seeking compensation for an accident that wasn’t their fault.

Insurance companies are never eager to pay out more in claims than they absolutely have to, and this is particularly true when one of the injured parties is a biker. This shouldn’t be the case, and a Nassau County motorcycle accident lawyer from Siler & Ingber, LLP can ensure that your claim gets the respect it deserves, thereby giving you the best possible chance for obtaining full compensation for your losses.

Dealing with Insurance After a Motorcycle Crash

As mentioned, insurers often give motorcyclists a hard time when it comes to paying compensation. Unfortunately, bikers have a reputation for recklessness, and the insurance companies often try to use this to their advantage by accusing motorcyclists of causing a crash regardless of what actually happened.

If they can succeed in pinning blame on you, it reduces their financial liability—possibly absolving them completely. This can leave you paying for your damages and losses out of your own bank account, possibly for years to come—even for the rest of your life.

A Nassau County motorcycle accident lawyer from our firm can prevent this. We can collect the evidence needed to expose this tactic for the baseless pandering to popular stereotypes that it is. With a compelling case on your side, you’ll be in the strongest possible position for both negotiations and trial, whichever is necessary.

Compensation for Motorcycle Collision Injuries

From amputations to severed spinal cords to traumatic brain injuries, motorcycle crash injuries run the gamut when it comes to type and severity. Recovery is often an expensive prospect and a long journey. The necessary medical care is obviously of paramount importance, but you’ll almost certainly experience a number of other damages along the way.

Some of your losses will be financial, while others will negatively affect your quality of life. You deserve to be compensated for all of them:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Motorcycle repair or replacement
  • Transportation expenses
  • Lost earning ability and income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Connect with a Nassau County Injury Lawyer

Siler & Ingber, LLP doesn’t just serve our community—we’re completely dedicated to it. We’ll do everything we can to ensure that your case is given the respect it deserves, and we will fight for your right to full compensation.

To schedule a free consultation with a Nassau County personal injury lawyer, just call 1-516-294-2666 or contact us online through the form on this page.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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