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Psychological Injuries

psychological injuries

New York Psychological Injury Attorneys

There’s a real tendency for people to generally overlook any type of damage an accident may cause that isn’t immediately apparent, which is why a lot of psychological injuries go undiagnosed.

If you or a family member have sustained any kind of psychological damage due to an accident caused by someone else’s negligent or careless actions, then you’ll have a good understanding as to how equally debilitating these types of injuries are to physical injuries.

What’s tough about psychological injuries from a personal injury law perspective is that they tend to be harder to obtain rightful compensation towards, which is why you’ll undoubtedly need a team of legal experts to support you throughout this somewhat complicated litigation process. Suffering from financial losses on top of diminished mental health is completely unfair, and we’re here to support you and your family in getting you to a more stable future.

We at Siler & Ingber always encourage you to reach out to us for a free case review so we can obtain a thorough understanding of your situation, and ultimately put you on the right track towards recovering your rightful compensation for your sustained and future damages. 

What’s a Psychological Injury?

When any kind of traumatic experience ends up overwhelming an individual’s mental coping capacity, there is a good likelihood that the accident victim sustained psychological damage. Some common symptoms associated with psychological injuries include the following:

  • Repeated flashbacks
  • Mental and physical exhaustion
  • Emotional detachment
  • Panic attacks
  • Loss of appetite
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Suicidal thoughts

Many times psychological injuries will occur simultaneously with physical injuries, and there are other instances in which psychological injuries manifest themselves after a specific incident. 

Even if a specific accident didn’t leave a victim physically harmed, their psychological health could easily have been affected. 

Common Psychological Injuries That Occur After Personal Injuries

There are many common psychological injuries that occur when someone is a victim of an accident, including the following:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Personality disorders
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood disorders
  • Substance abuse disorders
  • Nightmares/Night terrors
  • Tachycardia
  • Insomnia
  • Flashbacks
  • Self-blame or shame
  • Fear of people, places or activities
  • Social withdrawal
  • Memory or concentration problems

It’s important that accident victims and their family members do their due diligence in terms of recognizing and properly evaluating any of these potential psychological injuries that can occur after an accident. The sooner a psychological injury victim is professionally diagnosed, the sooner they’ll be capable of receiving the necessary treatments that lead to recovery. 

Common Accidents That Lead to Psychological Injuries

There’s no denying the variation of symptoms within each individual that suffers from psychological injuries and any kind of accident, which is why it’s sometimes difficult to accurately predict whether or not an injury victim will end up suffering from these types of injuries after an accident. 

But there are still many different accident scenarios that can lead to psychological injuries that impact an individual’s ability to adequately return back to their daily routines. Some of the accidents that lead to psychological injuries include the following:

As you can tell, this list is rather long and could ultimately be a lot longer. This is why the possibilities of psychological injuries are always high when someone is involved in an accident. And when that accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, it’s important that you work with an experienced New York psychological injury attorney to help you file a claim that aims to recover compensation for all of your damages, including emotional and mental trauma. 

Proving Psychological Damage

Proving psychological damage is, of course, a bit more complicated than proving a physical injury, and you’ll have to prove that your psychological injury has to lead to at least one of the following:

  • Mental damage
  • Emotional pain
  • Impairment
  • Suffering
  • Dysfunction
  • An exacerbation of an existing psychological injury

The difficulties with substantiating a psychological injury are some of the main reasons why these injuries require experienced legal representation. An accident victim will undoubtedly have to undergo psychological and medical evaluations in order to prove mental damages, and if these evaluations verify the validity of mental trauma it will support a plaintiff’s settlement negotiations. 

Obtaining Rightful Compensation for Psychological Injuries

Psychological injuries tend to be more difficult to monetarily quantify, and this is because these injuries are generally subjective and vary uniquely in each and every case. This is why we’ll ensure that we’re working closely with physicians and other medical experts to professionally document an accident victim’s psychological injuries.

Working closely with mental health professionals throughout your litigation process will only help your chances in terms of recovering your rightful compensation for your sustained mental damages. These healthcare professionals will also be able to provide valuable expert testimony in terms of how your injuries will ultimately affect your abilities to work and re-assimilate yourself back to the life you had prior to your accident. 

Some of the common damages associated with psychological injuries include the following:

  • Past, present and future medical expenses
  • Past, present and future lost wages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish/Emotional distress

Although it’s sometimes difficult for accident victims to claim psychological injuries without any physical injuries, you’ll be in good hands when you work with our esteemed legal team at Siler & Ingber and our associates in the mental health industry. We have the experience to help you gather all the necessary documentation and information that substantiates your psychological injury claims, and our track record of successful cases indicates how determined we always are to provide our clients with their best possible results. 

Reach out to our New York Personal Injury Attorneys to discuss your Psychological Injury Claim

If you or a loved one has suffered any type of injuries in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, then there will always be the potential that the accident victim(s) also endured psychological injuries.

There are many signs and symptoms of psychological injuries, so it’s crucial that you reach out to us for a free case evaluation if you have any reasonable belief that you or your family member endured a psychological injury.

When we get a thorough understanding of you or your loved one’s accident and subsequent injuries, we’ll be able to begin putting together the necessary legal strategies towards obtaining your full and rightful compensation.

The Law Office of Siler & Ingber, LLP


301 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501

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